Here is the update on Tuesday's little gathering.
It was a really lovely evening, and thanks to all for coming out .
Here is the recap from "The One Shot "website. Thanks, Erin, for letting me post it.
Friends + Family + Food = Cameras for Kids!

friends+food+family = Cameras for Kids!
This past Tuesday, the most amazing group of folks got together in support of ONE-SHOT. Linda Crago, a friend and farmer, hosted an event at her farm in Wellandport, ON, Canada. Linda knows that people who support local farms and who love good food are some of the most generous people around. She’s right!
Linda invited Adam Hynam-Smith and Tamara Jensen of El Gastronomoto bring their gourmet food truck to her farm. They planned a menu that included produce fresh from Linda’s fields, featuring the heirloom tomatoes that are the farm specialty. Linda provided a raffle and prizes to benefit The ONE-SHOT Project, her daughter Molly did a fabulous job selling tickets, and Adam and Tam donated a portion of the food sales.
I think one of the most interesting twists of the evening proved to be the way that Twitter wove so many of the people together. I first came across Linda and the El Gastronomo crew through Twitter. I got to knowHeber (the founder of ONE-SHOT) and heard about this project via Twitter. Many of the folks who came out to the event heard about it via Twitter. And thanks to @foodsnark, we have four more point and shoot cameras! Can I just say… I love Twitter!
As the sun set Tuesday night, friends and neighbours continued to talk, Adam and Tam cleaned up their totally sold out food truck, and I counted the funds donated that evening. I’m thrilled to tell you that we raised $420 for The ONE-SHOT Project that night! I am so very grateful for everyone who came!! Thank you!!!!
All of the funds will go directly to supplies for the kids. Some donations are still being made by folks who couldn’t make it to the farm. Keep following along, and you’ll see how these funds get used in future posts.
If you are interested in The ONE-SHOT Project, but aren’t a photographer or teacher and not sure how you might be able to help, I hope that this post inspires you. When passionate and caring people come together, wonderful things happen!
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