Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016 Niagara South Seedy Saturday

My dear teenage daughter is struggling with the dark and cold of the early January mornings. Yes indeed. Getting up at 6 am for a teenager is difficult, especially at this time of year.

It is difficult for anyone.  January and February are less than inspiring months unless of course you can plan a nice little cold weather exit to a warmer clime, as my sisters have done. I assume right now they are both scouring Costa Rica to find some exceptional seed for me, as was my request. That or they may be relaxing with a book in the shaded sun. More likely I guess.

Seedy Saturday approaches though, and having my mind on that has been a real pleasure indeed. It assures me that spring will come, as will summer and fall harvests. I am anticipating a wonderful year and I hope you are too.

So, it is time to think seeds! Gather up what you have saved, or any spare ones you may have and bring them along to Wellandport on February the 13th, which incidentally is that dear teenage girl's 15th birthday. If you stay for the potluck after the event, there will indeed be birthday cake and song. She is thrilled, let me tell you.

Again, I am organizing this event in Wellandport at the Community Centre, 5042 Canborough Road, from 1-5 pm. Having it a bit later in the day makes it easier for my travelling participants, and ensures that the snow is cleared and we are ready. Let's hope that we don't have to endure a repeat performance of last year's weather, which didn't seem to deter people, but didn't make it particularly pleasant. Gardeners are indeed tough stock.

The speakers this year are superb. I hesitate to say that, because of course I am speaking too, and I am not blowing my own horn. So I will say all the other speakers are superb and I hope I can add a wee something.

I am so pleased to welcome back Steven Biggs from Toronto, author extraordinaire and all round nice guy. Steve is very knowledgeable and will be talking "No Guff Gardening", incidentally the title of one of his books. Also speaking are Ryan Waldron (Grimsby Seed Library), Colette Murphy (Urban Harvest), and my knowledgeable friend Wendy Moreton. For topics and times, please see the previous blog post.

There will be a nice big room full of vendors and displays. Included are 3 seed vendors with a great range of seed.Expect to see:

Matchbox Gardens (seeds)
Urban Harvest (seeds)
Tree and Twig (seeds)
Seeds of Diversity Canada- Canada's Heritage Seed Program, to which this event last year donated $438!
Emma Biggs-Kid's activity Table
Steven Biggs (books and possibly fig trees)
Lickety Spit Fibre Farm
Greening Niagara
Grimsby Seed Library
Pridham's Apothecary (soap)
Terra Teas
Ivy's Earthly Delights (succulents, canning)

I am expecting a few more vendors as well. There will be a light lunch for purchase if you are interested.

Admission is by donation, with $2.00 recommended to help me pay for the hall. Excess money will be donated to a worthwhile cause, yet to be determined. If you know of very important work being done in the area, let me know.

Hope to see you there! All welcome!

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