Tuesday, November 25, 2014

CSA Week 22 and Carrot soup

Three weeks left of my CSA for 2014. Yes, we are getting close to the end.

The last few days in the garden have reminded why in recent years I have chosen not to do a complete winter CSA.
Folks, I tell you, it isn't that much fun. My body can tolerate the cold, with the exception of my hands.
Today getting the carrots out of the freezing water, picking some outdoors kale and chard and digging out the leeks had them tingling.

The older I get, the less I appreciate the cold.
My daughters tease me because I have been researching good places to retire. Panama it seems is a good choice, and who knows...
But for now here I am. I'm starting to get excited about 2015, am shelling my beans like mad to package up for seed, have finally ordered a small scale to weigh up my seeds instead of counting them, have ordered my Seed Savers Exchange seed to sell, and am organizing yet another Seedy Saturday. (Mark the date-Feb 14th here in Wellandport!)

It's hard to move on from 2014 though when some things still niggle away at me.
I've been trying for months now to get some people and businesses to pay up. Christmas is coming, the produce has long been made into overpriced dishes sold for a good dollar. My calls, my emails are not returned and people, I tell you, you are being duped.
You are made to feel that the farmer and the chef are buddies as they stroll through the fields of produce. They chuckle and pat each other on the back for a job well done. Sometimes it's true and I've had relationships like that.
But there are chefs who are just a bit too good for you and I. They've let the fact they can cook go to their head. They speak well of you when it serves their purpose, but when it doesn't and no one is looking, they just don't care.
Marketing. Local food is a marketing tool the same way that VISA tries to warm your heart with their commercials, banks try to make you believe they care, and the flipping pink ribbon on everything makes you believe you are helping people with cancer.
And you know what the bottom line is? In any line of work there are people who are difficult to deal with. Period. Just because people are farmers, chefs or even radio hosts, it doesn't mean that they are good people. Over the years my motto has become to only deal with nice people. Sound silly? No, it is the only thing that makes any sense. Life is too short.
End of rant.
The CSA baskets today were heavy, although without question the variety is diminishing. Pennsylvania Dutch Crookneck squash, a very good lot of carrots, potatoes, leeks, herbs and winter greens.
I put the potatoes in the baskets with the leeks thinking potato leek soup, but for supper I ended up making carrot soup with those same ingredients and more.
This recipe is adapted from "Laurel's Kitchen" one of my favourite ever cookbooks.

5 large carrots, cut in 1" pieces
1 large potato cut into pieces
2 leeks chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cups veg stock
2 cups non dairy milk
1 tbsp dried herb or fresh-thyme, tarragon or rosemary

Cook the carrots and potatoes in enough water just to cover them.
Saute leeks in the oil, add herbs.
Add both the veg and onion to a blender, blend till smooth.
Return to pot, add veg stock and milk.
Season with salt and pepper and serve hot.

1 comment:

  1. PA Dutch Crookneck is one of my favourite squash. I never had a bumper crop from them but I sure love the shape!

    Hope that your restaurant customers find it in their hearts (and bank accounts) to pay you soon!
