Monday, June 2, 2014

CBAN Update-GM Apples,Alfalfa and More News

Welcome to summer! The crops are going in the ground - but not GM alfalfa! GM alfalfa is on hold in Canada this year thanks to your action and, together, we continue to campaign to stop the introduction of the genetically modified apple and salmon, both of which could be approved soon…or not…

The GM apple is in the hot seat! Over 7000 signatures were presented last week to the BC legislature, asking the provincial government to stop the GM apple. In 2012, the BC government promised to review the GM apple issue and BC residents are not letting them forget their promise! You can take action in BC by continuing to collect signatures on the petition, by writing to your MLA, or writing to the head office of your grocery store. Many BC retailers are committing to not sell the GM apple if it is approved. You can see the list of BC stores who have made the pledge here: Is your grocery store not on that list? Write to the head office of your grocery store today!

Outside Canada, Australian organic farmer Steve Marsh has lost his case against his neighbour who was farming GM canola. Marsh lost organic certification for more than half of his farm after GM canola drifted onto his land from his neighbour’s farm. Steve Marsh and his wife claimed damages from their neighbour and a permanent injunction against the neighbour's future swathing of GM canola (Swathing is cutting the crop and placing it in rows directly on the cut stubble to dry).
Here is a legal opinion/summary -
What the Australian press is saying:

An incredible new report has just been published by international group GRAIN called "Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland”. Small farmers produce most of the world's food - with less than a quarter of the world's farmland! GRAIN argues that we urgently need to put land back in the hands of small farmers. GRAIN researched and crunched the numbers across the world to find out:
• The vast majority of farms in the world today are small and getting smaller
• Small farms are currently squeezed onto less than a quarter of the world's farmland
• We are fast losing farms and farmers in many places, while big farms are getting bigger
• Small farms continue to be the major food producers in the world
• Small farms are overall more productive than big farms
• Most small farmers are women
You can find the report here:

The second edition of the excellent resource “GMO Myths and Truths, An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of genetically modified crops” has been published! You can download it here:

Across the country people are taking to the streets to voice their concerns over GM foods and corporate concentration - once again, thousands of Canadians joined locally-organized “March Against Monsanto” events. Congratulations to everyone who is taking action - in the streets, by making informed choices in your grocery store, keeping up to date with our news, and by participating in CBAN's campaigns.

Happy Summer!

Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator 
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) 
Collaborative Campaigning for Food Sovereignty and Environmental Justice
Suite 206, 180 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 1P5 
Phone: 613 241 2267 ext. 25
Fax: 613 241 2506

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