Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Red Tomatoes at Tomato Days 2014

It is only 3 days now until my sale, and there is still lots left to do. There is last minute labelling, meeting up with people as they pick up their advance orders, watering the plants in the hoophouses, answering email and phone calls and quite a few little nit picky things. Buy a few groceries for example.
This year I am not panicked because I need to get the garden in though. My clay is soggy and won't be planted anytime soon.
The weather looks good for Saturday, and Saturday is usually a pretty busy day. It is all first come first served and if you have been looking at my lists of what will be here, you'd best come early to get your choice.
All the tomatoes are good though, and if you just want a wonderful tomato and would like to spend a bit more time with me chatting about your selections, Sunday or Monday are better choices for you.
Please remember I am a super-low tech person. I don't take credit cards or debit cards, and also note that the nearest cash machines are in Fenwick or Smithville as our local Wellandport variety store with the cash machine (and gas) is no more.
When I opened up my newspaper as I always do after supper when I am sipping my tea, a big garden centre flyer dropped out.
It amazes me what transplants are being sold now. Not amazes me as in"wow isn't that great", but amazes me as in "wow-what a rip-off".
Some things you won't find me selling here on the weekend are bean, pea, carrot or spinach plants. The fact is that these vegetables do not transplant well, and by the time you put them in the ground and they finally recover from the transplant shock, you might as well have just planted the seed. For about one tenth the cost.
Buyer beware.

Here is the listing of the red tomatoes you will find here on "Tomato Days".
Warning: this is a long list!

Anna's Multiflora
Alice's Egypt
Anmore Teardrop Cherry
Angora Super sweet
Amish Paste
Bedwin Cherry
Bonnie Best
Bloody Butcher
Basket V
Bush Beefsteak
Brandywine Landis Strain
Britain's Breakfast
Burbank Slicing
Big Beef
Burracker's Favourite
Berkshire Polish Beefsteak
Break O Day
Believe it or not
Chalk's Early Jewel
Canadian Heart
Chinese Paste
Chateau Rose
Czech's Bush
Costoluto Genovese
Cosmonaut Volkov
Chadwick Cherry
Crimson Sprinter
Christmas Grapes
Brandywine Red
Box Car Willie
Costoluto Fiorentino
Crynkovic Yugoslavian
Early Annie (early)
Early Wonder (early)
Fence Row Cherry
Frazier's Gem
Fat Cherry
Florida basket (determinate)
Franchi Red Pear
Grandma Mary's Paste
Gardener's Delight
German Red Strawberry
Goji Faranj
Grightmire's Pride
Giant Belgium
Hungarian Italian Paste
Hungarian Heart
Hawaiian Cherry
Jersey Devil
Hayslip (determinate)
John Baer
Jujube Cherry
Jersey Giant
Joe Pesch
Kimberley (early)
Large Red Cherry
Lizanno Cherry
Lumpy Red
Magnum Beefsteak
Martino's Roma
Mexico Midget
Halliday's Mortgage lifter
Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter
Miel De Mexique
Mexico Giant
New Round Paste
Peacevine Cherry
Red Pear
Latah (early)
Mountain Princess (early)
Pittman Valley Plum
Long Tom
Red Cherry
Roma-Virginia Select
Re Pisa Date
Starfire improved
Raspberry Miracle
Russian 117
Royal Hillbilly
Redfield Beauty
Super Choice
Sophie's Choice
Red Pearl
San Marzano Bush
Sub Arctic plenty (early)
STUPICE (super early)...and I have lots!
Stump of the World
Tappy's Heritage
Terenzo- determinate
Velvet Red
Wickline Cherry
Watermelon Beefsteak
Ottawa 39
Keralik Cherry
Wheatley Frost Resistant
Way Ahead (early)
Zarnista (early)
Mystery Keeper
Reverent Morrow's Longkeeper
Greenskin Longkeeper

In addition I have the red tomatoes on the pre-order list and none are sold out.
Hope to see you on the weekend...but remember if you can't make it, I have lots of plants and will have some for weeks to come.

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