Thursday, May 8, 2014

Green, Pink and Purple tomatoes at Tomato Days

What a day.
Sadly right off the bat I had to bury one of my old hens. I knew she hadn't been doing well lately and had tried nursing her back to health, but it was not meant to be. She died last night and I dug her a deep grave to bury her this morning. This is hard for me and not something I am good at  at all, but it had to be done. So rest in peace dear soul. I found myself looking for you today, but you were gone.
I began working in the front hoophouse, moving ordered plants around, and heard a bit of noise. Trust me, at my home this isn't particularly unusual, there are lots of us and we can be noisy.
But when I walked out of the hoophouse, something caught my eye on the front lawn.
Lo and behold. It was my tres handsome piggy Joey munching on a few things in my flower garden.
He's such a nice boy and when I called him, enticing him with a bit of grain, he trotted back to his little barn and fenced in area. He's very accommodating.

Tomato seedling season is in full swing for me. I'm busy getting all the advance orders pulled together and it's turning out to be a monumental task. There were so, so many this year, for which I am very grateful.
Definitely the most popular tomato this year is Pineapple, followed by Stupice, Big Rainbow and a few of the new ones like Blue Berries, Blue beauty and Purple Bumblebee.
You'll have a chance to grab some of these when you hit my sale on May 17th, 18 and 19th. I also keep selling as long as I can, so if the long weekend doesn't work for you...come out after it.
I usually have plants right up until mid-June and the way this season is looking, that will still be plenty of time to get your plants in.
This year make it your mission to try a green tomato. Please, please please-they are so good. I've encouraged my regulars to give some of the green cherries a try in the past, and they have become favourites. Green Doctor's, Envy and Thompson Classic Seedless are tremendous.

Here are the greens I am growing this year, followed by the pinks and purples. These are in addition to the ones on the pre-order list on my website.

Aunt Ruby's German Green
Aunt Ruby's German Green Cherry
Chili Verde
Cherokee Green
Dwarf Beryl Beauty
Granny Smith
Garden Lime
Green Velvet
Gruene Helarios
Grubs Mystery Green
Green Doctor's
Green Pineapple
Green Giant
Green Sausage
Green Bombs
Grandma Oliver's Green
Lime Green Salad
Marz Green
Summertime Green
Verde Rallados


Anna Russian
Aunt Ginny's Purple
Bread and Salt
Big Raspberry
Brandy Sweet Plum
Big Purple Brandywine
Buffalo Heart
Clear Pink Early Cherokee Purple
Crimean Rose
Caspian Pink
Brandywine Sudduth Strain
Clear Pink
Dr Carolyn's Pink
Dingo Eye
Canary Rose
Dark Rose
 Dwarf Champion Improved
 Earl's Faux
Eva Purple Ball
Ella's Pink Plum
Gezhante Buhrurkeel
Eagle's Beak
Evan's Purple Pear
Ferris Wheel
Grightmire's Pride
Gregori's Altai
German Lunchbox
German Johnson
German Pink
Grace lahman's Pink
Japanese plum
Japanese Oxheart
Kentucky Plate
Kalman's Hungarian Pink
Lithuanian Crested Pink
Indian Stripe
Lincoln Adams
Mike's italian Plum
Marianne's Peace
Mrs Houseworth
Ozark Pink
Purple Russian
Pink Ruffled
Pink Monserrat
Purple Cherry
Pearly Pink
Purple Brandy
Pink Ping Pong
Pink Princess Cherry
Purple Dog Creek
Pink Ice
Porter's Dark Cherry
Rose de Berne
Russian Rose
Dwarf Rosella Purple
Purple Pear
Sweet Carneros Pink
Thai Pink Egg
Tsungshigo Chinese
Una Hartsock
Ukranian Purple
Vinson Watts
VB Russian Plum
Wolford Wonder


  1. You never cease to amaze me! BTW, Joey looks so happy in that picture.

  2. Thanks Iz-it's like he is smiling!
