Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Seeds, Workshops and CSA on the way!

Two out of three

Everyday when I walk with my dogs, I stop in to see one of my elderly neighbours to make sure everything is alright. Everyday she says to me that in the 60 years she has been in Canada, she hasn't seen a winter like this. And everyday I tell her that it seems to me that this is how winters were when I was a kid. And just so you know, that wasn't 60 years ago.
It's been so chilly, or better said as so "damn cold" the last few days that my dogs haven't walked with me. 3 set of sad brown eyes stare up at me as I bundle up, and they charge to the door as I open it, but I tell them it is not to be. Last year we didn't miss a day, rain, sleet and snow and all that.
Winter you can be over now, so we can all start gardening again.

The "help"
Consequently I have been working on indoor-type things like packing up my seeds, sometimes with help. I'm so very glad that Stella, came to us as a kitten a year and a half ago. She's one of the babies my daughter Emily rescued from the conservation area up the road, when her feral mom deserted the litter. At any other home they may not have discovered her complete obsession with dried beans.
I however have an abundance of dried beans on hand, and when I pour them from their jars onto the table count out 50 per pack to sell as seed beans, she runs from the far corners of the house at the sound. She waits till one spills on the floor, and if that doesn't happen fast enough for her liking, she swats one down, picks it up in her mouth and carries it into the bathroom to play with it. There are lots of lovely beans in my bathroom at any one time.

Super rare African bean-"Mrocumiere"
I have started to receive some seed orders, but it will be several weeks before I am organized enough to begin mail outs. Plenty of time still though, considering the time of year.
I expect that the 2014 seeds that I am selling will be updated within a week on my website, and as soon as it is, please feel free to place your much appreciated orders for some wonderful seed. My seed packaging will remain the same as last year and is completely biodegradable.
In February I begin making the rounds to Seedy Saturdays, with Brantford up first. My "Events and Workshops" section of my website has been updated, so please check to see where I'll be in the coming months. Please note that people have begun to sign up for my on farm workshops in March, so if you are interested, please don't wait too long. They are good fun and useful too.
As well this year I will be at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington offering my seed starting workshop, "The Complete Vegetable Garden" and as well as one on growing unusual vegetables. Please check their website within the coming months for details.
People have been contacting me about the CSA for 2014 and I'm going to have the details on my website very, very soon as well. If you are interested, I am taking names at this point, with returning shareholders getting first dibs. I'm going into my 17th year this year of operating a CSA-whew-where did the time go? I'm so grateful for those of you who are "lifers", and those of you who have become friends. That's the "community" part of CSA if you ask me.

Painful peppers
I'm thinking about getting a few things going under my lights in the kitchen within the next week or two. I'll start some of the"stupid hot" peppers, like the Carolina Reapers (over 1,500,000 Scoville units), the Scorpions and Bhut Jolokias. They can take a bit longer than others to germinate, so I'll get going in January. This year, because of the popularity of these peppers, I will accept advance orders for these plants.
It's all well and good to get these indoor things done, but I am absolutely itching to get out in the garden and begin the very best year ever. Aren't you?

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