Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer CSA Week 12 and Joan's Eggplant

I really like vegetables, hence I like this time of year. As I work in the garden I eat and many times when I come in for meals I'm not hungry...or else I eat more veggies.

I always thought it was rather strange that a fellow who lives around the corner from me who grows greenhouse tomatoes made the admission to me that he doesn't like tomatoes at all. Nor in fact does anyone in his family.
He sells them, but never tries them.

I'm a different case altogether. I eat it all, and then some. So I know what I am selling and I know how good it is.

I'm lucky to have this bounty at my doorstep. My blackberries are producing now, so it was blackberries for breakfast, a fist full of kale, apples, carrots thrown in my Vitamix at lunch and a quick tomato sauce for supper, on polenta.

When I make a fresh sauce, I throw it all in. A little olive oil, then chopped tomatoes, sliced garlic, peppers, both sweet and hot, thai eggplants, chard or kale and a good bit of basil and oregano.

I've sold vegetables for 16 years now, but for me the best part of having all these things growing here is eating them and feeding them to my family.  Going out to the garden with my basket in my hand and filling it with whatever I choose to eat.

That's a form of richness in it's very own way.  It never fails to make me feel good.

This year with the bounty of fruit on the farm I feel doubly blessed. I have so many delicious and not quite perfect apples and pears.
When I walk my dogs in the morning though I also take advantage of living in the country and snack on pears from trees that line my road and are there for the taking. Yum.

Todays baskets were pretty full again, and I hope not too wilted when picked up. It was hot today, hot and humid and the greens in the baskets were not impressed.
CSA baskets today contained heirloom tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, cukes, zucchini/summer squash, tomatillos, a good lot of beans (several varieties), garlic, chard/kale, eggplants, basil, rosemary and sage.

There are only 3 weeks left in this summer CSA session, with the fall beginning immediately after.
I am full for the fall and will soon make contact with everyone who is "in". Thanks so much for your support this year and as always.

The recipe I am going to share with you is from Joan, a recent member of my CSA. It's very good, enjoy!

Joan's Eggplant

The eggplant recipe is more of a guideline than a firm recipe. It was given to me by a former Asian student who had been a chef back in China.
You take young, skinny eggplants (though big ones work too). You cut them up into small pieces. The ones that were in my basket were sliced into about 1" slices and then cut in half (Katlyn says they were smaller than an inch - so you can see that it's not a firm recipe at all). You cook them well, until they look roasted/charred - but not burnt (of course).
You then fry them in a frypan with garlic and sesame oil (smells lovely). While they're cooking, you mix soya sauce and something sweet (sugar/honey/maple sugar/agave nectar) together. You can add hot sauce of some type (we used the "Rooster Sauce") to taste if that's what you like.
You then add the liquid to the cooked eggplant and mix until the liquid evaporates somewhat and becomes sauce-like. 
This is delicious and hands-down our favourite way to make eggplant. 

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