Friday, April 5, 2013

Good-bye Dear Friend

My dear Baby, pictured above, lived a life of gratitude.

We found her in a garbage can in the conservation area down the road 13 1/2 years ago. Teeny tiny, starving and shivering, left to die.

We brought her home, loved her and she became the sweetest and most loving soul you can imagine.
Unlike my other testy females, she liked everyone. Boy cats were fine, new arrivals accepted and maybe even expected.

She had a gentle non- demanding way about her. Unlike some of my others, she accepted your caresses with pleasure, but was happy to take them at your will, never foisting herself on you when you were say, writing a blog post or planting seeds.

She loved to wander down by the river, but came running as fast as she could when you called her. A free soul and spirit.

This is a sad day. The loss of this loved gentle soul is ripping me apart. As I picked up her lifeless body this morning, I felt anger. Anger at the people who ignore the speed limits, anger at myself that she snuck outside last night, anger at people I am angry at for other reasons who have nothing to do with this at all.  How else do you cope?

Rest in peace my sweet soul. You were loved.


  1. My condolences, cats are family - so hard to lose them.

  2. I'm so sorry Linda! It is so hard to lose a friend. Hugs to you.

  3. Pets get a special part of our heart.....and it breaks them into pieces. I, too, deal with it with anger so I agree with you completely.

  4. Sending you love, light and healing.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this. My 18 year old baby, Eli, died a month ago on March 8th, and life's just not been the same without him. Stanley and I just stare at each other most days not quite grasping he's gone!!!

  6. Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone, and I know how you feel Jo. That small little girl had a big impact on our lives.

  7. My condolences Linda. I've always had cats, mostly rescues and strays, and I know how hard it is to lose them. Love to you and your daughters.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear this Linda. I remember when my cat, also 13, passed. I still miss her, 4 years later.

  9. I'm so sorry, Linda. I'll miss scratching that little head when I visit. :(

  10. Oh no! I'm so sorry Linda! Poor Baby. I loved that girl.
