Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to Virginia

We went to Monticello, Charlottesville VA. again this year for the Heritage Harvest Festival, and had the chance to hike and camp in the Shenandoah National Park.

Here are a few pictures from the trip...

LOTS for kids to do-wooden hula hoops on the back lawn

TJ's garden-okra seed drying

Shenandoah National Park-yes we saw bears!

Clearly a different climate than me-figs!


Fabulous Amish Cockscomb

An overview of Thomas Jefferson's garden

Pumpkin patch-note that red Virginia clay

Hey-these are in my garden too-West Indian Gherkin

Love the simple supports

Snake or italian zucchini-who goes there?

Tomatoes-note the branches as supports


  1. FIGS?? I put in a request for a) figs and b) a climate to support figs for the upcoming year! LOL Glad you got to get away!

  2. I have been to the University of Virginia once, its quite beautiful.
