Sunday, May 6, 2012

Need heirloom tomato seedlings?-Tomato Days 2012

This year my annual heirloom tomato seedling sale, Tomato Days, falls a bit earlier than usual.

It's an annual rite of spring for lots of people and I hope you'll join the heirloom tomato madness on May 19, 20 and 21, the Victoria Day long weekend, 8 am until 2 pm daily.

On each day I'll be here, with friends and family helping out, finding what I hope will be the most delicious plants for your home vegetable garden.

I'm really not quite sure how many tomato varieties I've grown this year. There are oodles, perhaps 600 or so. But to me it isn't a numbers game, it is all about great tomatoes, and when you grow heirlooms it is really easy to get a bit carried away. There are so many really, really good ones.

With 9 acres here on my little farm, I can grow quite a few different kinds. It is really impossible for me to neglect interesting ones that I find out about when I know I have the room. Do you have the "just one more plant" syndrome too?

I have super sweet cherries, and smaller, in all colours. Black, purple, orange, yellow, brown, black and striped. Fuzzy tomatoes, huge tomatoes, misshapen tomatoes, long tomatoes and more. Tomatoes for canning, paste, slicers and just pop 'em in your mouth sweeties.

I love it when people walk up my drive and ask "what's good?"

My stock answer? "They all are!"

Along with tomato seedlings , you'll find all kinds of other cool heirloom vegetable seedlings too. I have even more peppers this year. Super sweet to sizzling hot, they are all here.

Ultra cool eggplants, tomatillos, ground cherries, cukes, zukes, squash, melons, brassicas, lettuces, herbs and a pretty big selection of basils. Quite a bit more too.

If you come on Saturday morning, expect lots of people to be here. To avoid crowds, please come at another time on the weekend.  I promise, there are lots of plant-I won't run out!

It is more like a treasure hunt than plants for sale at a garden centre. The plants are all set up in my drive, categorized alphabetically  and by colour.  I don't have colour pictures of every varieties, nor descriptions beside each.

I have no staff is friends and family, and they don't know the plants the way I do. But they are all wonderful people and will do their best to help you.

As will I. If you have a bit of patience with me, I'll be there to help you.  Trust me, I want to talk to you about heirlooms, as you will know if you know me!

Over the next few weeks on my blog, I will attempt to highlight some of the tomatoes you'll find here. So check back in.

Saturday will have a few special guests available to speak with and make purchases from too.

Bring your box, bring the sun and welcome to Wainfleet!

1 comment:

  1. Would you like to have some tomato heirloom seeds from Spain? I will be glad to send you some seeds to add to your collection. Just send me an pm to my email with your address.
