Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tree and Twig CSA for 2012



For the last 15 years now I've been selling veggies.
And doing a bit of this and that as well. In one form or another I've always done a CSA, and this year I'm going back to a bit more formal CSA again, with delivery into town. My new website will be up soon, but here's a little preview of the CSA information. If it all seems as clear as mud to you and you have questions, please don't hesitate to email or call. It will be a small CSA, because I want to do it right, and do my "this and that" right too. So if you are interested please let me know. And yes, if you'd like to work a bit on the farm too, that can be arranged.  Or even if you'd like a little spot to garden, let's talk! I have land.

2012 CSA and Farm Shares.

CSA stands for Community Supported (Shared) Agriculture. 
This system of marketing links local growers and consumers who want fresh, healthy produce.
When you become a member of a CSA you are committing to a season long agreement, which sees the farmer growing food for you. In a CSA shareholders buy into the farm in such a way that the risks and rewards of farming are shared by the farmer and the community shareholders as well. In a good growing season, there is lots of food, and in a poor, not as much. 
Tree and Twig tries to minimize this risk by growing a huge diversity of crops and by also making good use of 3 passive energy hoophouses. 
In return for your payment you share the harvest and become part of a farm community.
I save seed, purchase seed, supplies and work very hard with simple tools and sweat to bring you the best organic produce I can grow.

Organic growing practices include the use of cover crops, natural amendments, crop rotations and other practices to improve soil and plant health. Growing organically is more labour intensive than conventional chemical farming. I use no GM seed, no treated seed, and much of my own seed that I have saved year after year.
I am NOT certified organic, but have never used any form of chemical inputs on my crops since the time I began growing produce to sell in 1997. Joel Salatin said it best: "You can't regulate integrity". How true! Take some time to get to know your farmer. Consider attending some of the special events at the farm for CSA members.
I also do not use any animal inputs such as manures, or bone or blood meals. If you are vegan or vegetarian, this may be important to you.  It is to me.

I deliver into Fonthill and St Catharines, and may consider other communities if 5 or more people are in that area sign up. If it is more convenient for you to pick up your share, let's arrange that.
Deliveries are Tuesday afternoons and will be at a TBA convenient location in Fonthill or St Catharines by 3 pm.

(Please note-if you go on vacation during the season, remember your veggies are still committed to you. Please ask a family member or friend to pick them up and enjoy them, or I can arrange for them to be donated in your name to a good cause, such as 'Start Me Up Niagara's" kitchen.

Shareholder and potential shareholder information and planning meeting- Sunday,March 4, 2012 2pm at the farm.
I'll answer questions, listen to your ideas find out what you'd like me to grow for you and tell you what I've got planned. (RSVP) Please come out!


Pay for the full season(s) in advance, or pay monthly via post dated cheques, please.  
If payment poses difficulties I will still try to accommodate you.

(Early )15 week season- $375.00 (Spring-Summer) March start (approx)

(Mid)  15 week season-$375.00 (Summer-Fall)June start

(Late) 15 week season-$375.00 (Fall -Winter) September start

Seasons will begin as early as possible, and you can do all three, or more. I grow year round!
The number of shares available are limited.

Your share includes a weekly delivered basket of premium heirloom vegetables( peck size), a weekly online newsletter with recipes and on-farm events just for shareholders.
Shares generally contain a minimum of 8 different items, but in high season this can be much, much more.

I grow pretty much every vegetable you can imagine...and then some. There will be items in your basket that may be new to you, and in 2012, I am trying some very interesting new crops.
My goal is to show you how wonderful vegetables can be and to keep your taste buds happy. I love vegetables and want you to as well!

Thank-you most sincerely for supporting a small farmer.

Individual baskets  of produce are always available -no commitment! Baskets of fresh, heirloom vegetables also make a thoughtful gift of good eating, and special gift baskets are available too.


  1. Those tomatoes look fabulous. My husband just bought some yomatoes in the grocery store for our salads, and they were just HUGE. My husband said they were like an athelete on steroids. Not sure what they inject into those things!

  2. My boss just told me about you and your wonderful farm today. I was giddy with excitement. I hope you post about CSA boxes soon, because I am very interested!
