Monday, July 18, 2011

Late planting challenge-beets are up in Wellandport!

...BEETS are up! Planted July 15th, germination on the 18th. "Holy heart failure, Batman!" (source-Robin)

Anybody else?
(...and in Montreal, IN they go!  Read here )

Story to follow.


  1. Mine are up too!!I was in shock when I saw them this morning!Guesstehy like this heat.

  2. i have nearly 100% germination... plants are up with two leaves each. they're planted in my stick garden (a window box with bamboo skewers haphazardly stuck in every which way to deter squirrels, opossums, mice, raccoons, feral cats, and scavenging birds).

  3. Ok, ok... confession...

    I didn't get mine in until last night! That said, I'm determined to coax them into catch-up mode through will and compost... good luck, ladies!!

  4. I looked today, expecting to see nothing - but up they are!! woohoo!
