Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Week in Pictures

This is the barn that Bob built-new chicken digs

Yes, it is a tomato plant-"Stick"

Another tomato plant with cool foliage-potato leaf and angora. No name!

A 2" high Micro-Tom plugging away

I have 'em-Szechuan Buttons!

Pretty little 'Tom Thumb" lettuce

This rose was a gift from my mom. We drove to Pickering to pick it up 15 yrs ago.

Walking onions. Love 'em.

Lots of scapes now

...and soon gooseberries

It's true. When we moved here, there was not a single garden.
THIS is my front lawn now, 16 yrs later!


  1. Fantastic photos. I think your chickens are very lucky. My gooseberries in the wild are getting eaten way before I can get them. Bears and birds.
    Love your walking onions. B

  2. Thanks, Buttons. Do you have any walking onions? Mine are full of bulbs-can send you some. I have them EVERYWHERE!!
