Sunday, April 3, 2011

Up and Coming....Tomato Tuesdays!

The tomatoes are all seeded and that is good.  I've pretty much had about enough of it.

It did take me a bit longer than anticipated, but I wasn't putting in  eight hours a day at it either.  With winter greens in the hoop house still, and some orders coming in for them, that had to be dealt with too.

As well as getting the other hoop house prepared for the early tomatoes, my wonderful Stupice, which will go in the ground out there on April 15th.  Of course with protection.  This meant turning under the remaining winter greens, and tilling. (Thanks, husband!)  Wow, it looks good.  And ready.  A clean slate for the art that is...tomatoes!

Gezhante Buhrurkeel

In the previous post I wrote about my "Tomato Days" event coming up on May 21, 22.  I'm going to try to write consistently on my blog over the remaining weeks about some of the exceptional varieties of tomatoes that you can expect to find if you come.  (And even if you can't come, perhaps it may give you some ideas about varieties you would like to try in the future.)

For a brief overview, in addition to my top 100 on my website which morphed into the top 102, expect to find : 

97 bicolour varieties, from Ananas Noire to Zigan

49 Brown/ Black varieties from Black Aisberg to True Black Brandywine

20 Green varieties, from my friend Aunt Ruby's German Green to Verde Rallado

65 Pink/Purple varieties, from Afghanistan, through Monkey's Ass to Thai Pink.  Had to say it.

113 Yellow/Orange varieties, from Azoychka to Yellow Stuffer

178 Red varieties, from Abraham Lincoln to Zogolla

29 White varieties, from Blanche du Biau Germe to White Wonder

There are also a few "mystery" tomatoes...that is, I saved the seed, but forgot to label the packets.  Never pays to be in a hurry.

The thing is that the numbers don't matter so much.  They are all really good and memorable tomatoes. (Did you know there are about 10,000 heirloom tomato varieties to try out there?!)

My boy Joey enjoying tomato guts left over after removing seed

So starting Tuesday, it will be "Tomato Tuesdays".  I'll  describe as best I can some of the tomato treasures hiding out here in Wellandport.  Some you may know, some perhaps not.  Please feel free to add comments about your reactions to the ones I mention, or please, please, please tell me your favourites.

See you Tuesday, if not before!

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