Monday, April 12, 2010

Plants for sale in May at the farm/May 1 market opening.

Trying to keep up with the recording of what has been planted to date this year is a little daunting. Or as I say every year, an organizational and logistical nightmare! There are just so many varieties I am planting of so many different things, it does get a wee bit confusing. are a few more things you may want to consider trying when you pop your garden in this year.
There are all kind of nice brassicas that I will have for sale in 6 packs this year, some will be mixed so you can try different combinations.
There are lots of different Kales, including all the ones I sell the seed for. Broccolis?...Got 'em. Green Goliath, Piricicaba, Spigiarello, cauliflowers, cabbages, chards.. As well some 6 packs of lovely lettuces, and all these cool weather crops will be available earlier in May, so you can get them in the ground before the long weekend.

Also the fabulous Aunt Mollies ground cherry, as well as some other funky fruit- Sunberries, Huckleberries. Don't forget the tomatillos and the super cool "5 Minute Plant".

I'll have lots of nice basils, including"Emily", as well as my favourite" African Blue", which doesn't grow from seed.
Not planted yet, but soon now will be the cukes, summer squash and melons, as well as winter squash.
My spring help arrived today, so it must be transplanting time. The eggplants are done and peppers are well underway. Tomatoes are a very big job and will take weeks, so suffice it to say that is my focus and not too much garden will get in over the next little while. But there is lots of salad mix in, and it will be planted weekly. So help me, God.

My Saturday morning market will open here on the farm for the season on Saturday May 1. There will be seed available, salad, some cool weather plants and baking, bread and honey to start us off. Come out and have a coffee with me, and see what is up!

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