Friday, January 22, 2010


Time to mark your calendar! Yup- I've set the date for my annual "Tomato days" sale and it will be the long weekend in May, May 22 and 23, 2010.
I'm starting now to assemble my seed and put it some kind of order, although with so many different varieties of tomatoes it does sometimes feel like a mind boggling job.
I have upward of 700 varieties, and again this year have a few newbie oldies I have located and am excited about.
Like what, you ask?
Okay well, we already have red, yellow and white a pink peach I have found from France. Is this the same as Fuzzy? I don't know, but don't think so. Time will tell. That is the thrill of the tomato hunt (and capture!) Can't wait to see!
I am also patiently waiting for my Seed Savers Exchange year book , to see what my friend Bill Minkey is raving about this year. Bill offers hundreds of kinds of tomatoes in the yearbook and has sent along some fantastic recommendations to me-like Black brown Boar, Striped Furry Red Hog and Marz Yellow Red Stripe, works of art each and every one.
Many, many of these varieties will be here at my scavenger hunt -type sale. I organize the plants by colour,, and you need to look-no question about it.
I do get busy talking to people, but be patient and we can talk tomatoes.
Will I be organized enough to get them into alphabetical order? It is my goal!
And I'll grow lots more of the ones I sold out of last year; the very popular Costoluto Genovese, Stupice and Federle (which I am also selling seeds for!)
Looking forward very much to this weekend and finding out what YOUR favourites are!

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