Saturday, April 18, 2009

13 things in my garden this year...

Okay well.... 13 things is a bit of an under-exaggeration. But I just read a neat little note on another blog about cool things people were putting in their garden. And I must say, there are some things I am so excited about too.
So for all you CSA people out there, here are some things to look for.
Number one item that has me anxious to get into the garden is a cool little carrot from Tunisia. Without any exaggeration at all, I will say I have been trying to get seed for this for more than 5 years, without success. And now it is here! In Wellandport!
So what is so great about this carrot? It is a tri-coloured carrot- that is right, 3 colours in one carrot. Not a weird hybrid , a very old heirloom Tunisian carrot. Orange , purple and black. Can't wait to see it! It is taking the prize spot in the garden and I will save seeds most definitely. I'll never come across seeds to purchase again.
Tomato-wise, some excietment. White Wax, a waxy skinned white tomato, Goldmans' Italian American (is this Franchi Red Pear?), a cool pleated bi-colour,.
Herbs I can't wait to see would be Tree Basil, Ajwain and Toothache plant with blossoms that explode in your mouth. Thanks to Mark Picone for his interest in that one!
Now we will explore a bit more with Pirricaba, a broccoli like plant, a beet grex of multi-colours and mini yellow, white and red strawberries.
Very cool too will be the seeds I brought back from the Salinas California farmers market...purple and green tomatillos the size of my fist. Huge.
Some new physalis family members, one of my true interests....ground cherries, or cape gooseberries. Love 'em. How about Marrowfat Greens from England?
Okay I am there, that's 13. So, so many more things to be excited about, but we'll rest with that.
Stay tuned as things go in the ground! But first, we transplant....thousands of plants to do before I can be a serious planter in the soil outdoors. Gearing up for the big sale on May 23-24, counting down.... only 5 weeks to go!

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